Our Children's Ministry looks to enrich and nurture kids in a fun and educational way! We teach the Bible through stories, crafts, music, and more through Sunday School programs, Vacation Bible School, family friendly events, and more! It is our goal to raise the next generation up while ensuring that they know the love of Jesus!
K.I.D. Zone Ministry
K.I.D. Zone Children's Ministry stands for "kids in discipleship"! It offers an interactive and engaging time of worship for our young ones. We offer a full K.I.D. Zone experience every Sunday in between services at 10:00 and "Kid Zone Light" during the 11:00 worship. During these times we will offer lessons, crafts, music, fellowship, all the while sharing the love of Jesus!
Kingdom Kids
Kingdom Kids is offered on Wednesday evenings during The Well! During this time, children can participate in fun activities, songs, and Bible lessons! Kingdom Kids begins at 6:30, after dinner during The Well.
Here at Trinity, we offer amazing opportunities for our youth as they learn about and grow in Christ! Both Crossfire and JCrew are extremely service-oriented, volunteering with our Food Closet Ministry and participating in a number of other service opportunities throughout the year. We even have leadership opportunities for students who are interested in taking the next step in their faith by leading Bible studies and other activities.
We are an actively growing ministry here at Trinity, and we hope that your middle school and high school students can be a part of it!
Crossfire (Middle School)
Crossfire is our middle school youth program for grades 6 through 8. Throughout the school year, they meet Wednesday nights from 6:30-8 pm in the gym.
JCrew is our high school youth program for grades 9 through 12. Throughout the school year they meet Wednesday nights from 6:30-8 pm in the Youth Room.