We have a number of Bible studies and classes going on throughout the year at Trinity. Take a look at the list below to find one or more you would like to join and contact us with any questions about how to get started!
Men's Group Study- Galatians: Exchange Legalism For True Spirituality
Join our men's Bible study group on Tuesday evenings at 6:30 PM as they work through a Warren Wiersbe study on the book of Galatians. Galatians carries a dangerous message. It's propelled by a radical idea that continues to challenge man-made beliefs and principles: The Christian religion is not about religion at all. It's about a relationship restored, and living by love, not legalism. In this study of the book of Galatians, we find Paul's battle cry for the true gospel and encounter the freedom found in placing our faith in Christ alone.
Women's Group Study- Abide
Thursdays at 9:30 am in the Philadelphia Room. We will be using a study by Jen Wilkin called "Abide." It is a study of 1, 2, and 3 John. These are letters we do not study very often and are excited to do so. The study guide can be purchased on Amazon or Lifeway. For questions, email Irene Jenkins at
Monday Night Bible Study- Taking The Next Step
Join our Monday night online Bible study called "Taking the Next Step." You are a it time for you to enrich and enhance your Christian life? Scripture tells us to "Go and make disciples of all nations." This biblically based study will help you in taking the next step in your faith journey. Your next step can be adapted to YOUR comfort level. Bill Rehrig will lead this study via ZOOM only on Monday evenings at 7:00 PM beginning Monday, September 23. Register by emailing Bill Rehrig at He will email out the study materials weekly to registered participants.
Wednesday Morning Bible Study- Exodus
Bible teacher Mary Lou Roberts will be leading a study on the book of Exodus on Wednesday mornings at 11:00 AM, beginning on September 11. This study by John MacArthur guides readers through the historical period beginning with God's calling of Moses, continuing through the giving of the Ten Commandments, and concluding with the Israelites' preparations to enter the Promised Land.
Wednesday Evening Bible Study- The Spirit Empowers
This Bible study will be held on Wednesdays during our family program called The Well, which begins on September 11. Acts provides for us an historical account of the first three decades of the early church, biographical information to set the Apostle Paul within that historical context, and practical encouragement through those examples. Acts teaches us to rely on God's Spirit as we share the gospel, daily engage with other believers, and faithfully endure whatever difficulties come until Jesus returns
Bible study small groups are groups of approximately three to six people that gather to participate in a bible study (whether it's a church-wide study or one that your group picks). Groups meet in someone's home or at church at a time that's convenient for the members of that particular group. It's a great way to make friends, get closer to folks here at Trinity, and get support when going through hard times. Groups meet on different days of the week, depending on the schedules of the members. Some groups are meeting at church or in homes while others meet virtually. Let's find one that works for you and your preferences. To get connected to a Bible Study small group, please contact us!
Trinity TRIPSUP Group (Trips and Suppers!)
Like to see new places but don’t want to drive or have to worry about making the plans? Like to enjoy trying new restaurants with other foodies? Then Trinity’s TRIPSUP group is for you! This group organizes trips to all kinds of places. On the first Sunday of each month we get together for a supper and discuss topics relating to the Bible. Anyone of any age is welcome to join any trip or attend any supper. You do not have to be a Trinity member to participate in our events. No membership of any type is required. Contact Barbara Gorton at 410-844-1433 or for more information.
To get information or to reserve seats on any of our trips, contact Barbara Gorton at 410-844-1433 or
TRIPSUP Group Suppers
This group meets for supper every month on the first Sunday of the month at 4:00 PM. For more information, contact
Barbara Gorton at 410-844-1433 or
Goodtimers Group
Our Goodtimers Group (Men and Women 55+) meets the fourth Sunday of the month for fellowship and a great
lunch. If interested, please contact Lori Hinman at 410-679-4000, x113 or email
Quilters Group
Are you looking for something to do that will connect you to others in our congregation? Our Quilters Group makes hundreds of quilts and donates them to charities all over the world (and in our own backyard) to keep those less fortunate warm. You don’t need to have quilting or sewing experience to join this group. Their quilting process is something that you can “learn as you go.” This group meets every other Monday from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM in Heritage Hall. If you would like to join their group, please reach out to us!
Hook, Yarn & Stitchers Group
Our Hook, Yarn & Stitchers Group members work independently on projects for the church and meet together periodically. We are currently making blankets for baptismal families, prayer shawls and lap blankets. If you would like to help with making needed items, please contact Marty Carlon at

Mickey Barkuloo
Women's Ministry Director
Here at Trinity Lutheran Church we have a thriving ministry directed toward women. Join us and enjoy fellowship with others that will strengthen your faith and enrich your life. For additional information about Women's Ministry, please contact Mickey Barkuloo.
Women's Bible Studies
For most of the year, we offer a weekly Bible study for women on Thursday mornings @ 9:30 am in the Philadelphia Room. Our studies are for women ages 18 and up and are always open to anyone, church member or not
Women's Group Study- Abide
Thursdays at 9:30 am in the Philadelphia Room. We will be using a study by Jen Wilkin called "Abide." It is a study of 1, 2, and 3 John. These are letters we do not study very often and are excited to do so. The study guide can be purchased on Amazon or Lifeway. For questions, email Irene Jenkins at
Women's Events & Activities
Sunshine Ladies (Social Group for Widows)
Our Sunshine Ladies group meets the second Tuesday of the month for lunch, laughter and friendship. If interested, please contact Lori Hinman at 410-679-4000, x113 or email
The men in our congregation are very involved in many of the ministries that are available at Trinity. We try to get men active in our church and local community by helping with adult and youth mission trips, the Homeless Shelter, choirs, ushers, deacons, greeters, property team, etc. We need all men to get involved in our church to keep it strong. For additional information about Men's Ministry at Trinity please contact Bill Schafer, Men's Ministry Leader.

Bill Schafer
Men's Ministry Leader
Men's Bible Studies
Men's Group Study- Galatians: Exchange Legalism For True Spirituality
Join our men's Bible study group on Tuesday evenings at 6:30 PM as they work through a Warren Wiersbe study on the book of Galatians. Galatians carries a dangerous message. It's propelled by a radical idea that continues to challenge man-made beliefs and principles: The Christian religion is not about religion at all. It's about a relationship restored, and living by love, not legalism. In this study of the book of Galatians, we find Paul's battle cry for the true gospel and encounter the freedom found in placing our faith in Christ alone.
Men's Events
Men's Breakfast and Bible Study
Our Men’s Ministry holds quarterly breakfasts in March, June, September and December. Contact Bill Schafer for more information.
Lone Rangers Groups (Social Group For Widowers)
Our Lone Rangers Group meets on the 3rd Monday of the month at 3:00 PM at the Bel Air Diner for fellowship time. If interested, please contact Lori Hinman at 410-679-4000, x113 or email