Musical opportunities for adults, children, and youth abound at Trinity Lutheran Church. There are several choirs, worship bands, vocal and instrumental ensembles, and hand bells for both adults and children. Our adult choir leads traditional worship weekly, while adult vocal and instrumental ensembles add special music to traditional, contemporary and festival worship services throughout the year.
Trinity’s children and youth music ministry programs for preschool through Grade 12 develop young musicians both musically and spiritually. Children and youth routinely participate in worship services as well as special events including musical dramas and festivals.
For information on Traditional, Contemporary, Youth and Children's music contact our Worship Director, Chris Boggs.

Chris Boggs
Worship Leader
Want To Get Involved?
Contemporary Worship
Come use your talents as we glorify our awesome God! We are always looking for a few good men and women to join our contemporary worship team. If you have a passion for worship and are a vocalist or instrumentalist please contact Chris Boggs for an audition time. We have a flexible monthly schedule and are especially looking for those with gifts on the piano/keyboard, guitar, bass and drums.
- Rehearsal Information: Thursdays, 6:30-7:30 PM
- Location: Sanctuary
Traditional Worship
Traditional musical opportunities for adults abound at Trinity Lutheran Church. There is choir, vocal and instrumental ensembles, and handbells. Our adult choir leads traditional worship weekly, while adult vocal and instrumental ensembles add special music to traditional worship services throughout the year.
Our singers, ringers and instrumentalists give their best to God through their music, their witnessing of their faith, and their commitment. Our rehearsals are fun and challenging. In addition to preparing special anthems, we learn about the music of the church through the singing of hymns and liturgy. The repertoire consists of traditional choral music, multicultural hymns and contemporary selections. Musicians in high school and up are invited to join us!
- Rehearsal Information: Wednesdays, 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM
- Location: Sanctuary
Singers unable to make the weekly commitment required for Trinity Choir are invited to join us for Festival Services. Part rehearsals are held on Thursday evenings. Final rehearsal with the orchestra is held on the Saturday before the service.
- Rehearsal Information: Wednesdays, 7:30 PM to 8:30 PM
- Location: Sanctuary
- Rehearsal Information: The Trinity Orchestra does not meet regularly, but meets before special services when the orchestra will be performing.
-Location: Sanctuary
Children's Music
Trinity's children's music ministry program, for ages 3 - Grade 5, develops young musicians both musically and spiritually. Children routinely participate in worship services as well as special events including musical dramas and festivals.
JOYFUL NOISE (Age 3- Kindergarten)
Singing, "Kids Play" Handbells, Rhythm Instrument, Musical, Performances in Worship
-Class Information: Wednesdays (during the school year at The Well)
- JOYFUL SOUNDS (Kindergarten- Grade 5)
Singing, Orff instruments, Musical, Performances in Worship
- Class Information: Wednesdays (during the school year at The Well)

Terrie Reardon
Servanthood Leader
Servanthood Ministry
Explore the serving opportunities available at Trinity, and discover your God given talents. We have immediate needs, on-going needs, and opportunities that are perfect for first time servers. You will be paired with an experienced member. We are looking for Greeters, Welcome Center Attendants, Ushers, and Deacons (persons to serve Communion). For information on how you can serve contact Terri Reardon, Servanthood Leader.