About Us
For 150 years, Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church has been an anchor in the heart of Harford County, MD. With the Gospel of Jesus Christ leading all we do, we find ourselves in the community, reaching out to meet the needs of those who need to know the love of Jesus Christ. We believe in the authority of God’s Word as it leads our lives, our ministries, and all that we do. As a confessionally based church, we believe that we have fallen into sin, have a broken relationship with God, our creator, and only the love of Jesus Christ found on the cross can deliver us from that brokenness and back into a right relationship with God. If you are looking for something special, Trinity Lutheran Church and School is a great place to begin. Our people and our pastors will walk side by side with you as we look to grow into the goodness of God and proclaim the death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ together into Harford County and beyond. The first 150 years are over, and the next 150 years are full of excitement. We can't wait to see where God is leading us. For more information about our last 150 years, click here!

Where Are We?
1100 Philadelphia Road, Joppa, Maryland 21085
FROM POINTS NORTH: Take I-95 South to Exit 74 towards Joppatowne. Turn left at Rt. 152. Turn left at Rt. 7 (Philadelphia Rd). Proceed 0.2 miles to Trinity Lutheran Church on your left.
FROM POINTS SOUTH: Take I-95 North to Exit 74 towards Joppatowne. Merge right onto Rt. 152. Turn left at Rt. 7 (Philadelphia Rd). Proceed 0.2 miles to Trinity Lutheran Church on your left.
How do you celebrate Holy Communion?
Holy Communion is celebrated at each of our weekly worship services. All baptized Christians who believe that Christ is present in the sacrament for the forgiveness of sins are welcome to commune with us. Wafers and individual communion cups of wine are used in the sacrament; grape juice is also available – just let the Pastor or Deacon know as you come forward.
What should I wear to one of your services?
Dress for worship as you are comfortable. You will see our members dressed in everything from suits to shorts (during the summer). You will even see lots of Ravens gear during football season!
How can I give to Trinity?
A time of giving is offered to our church family as they come forward for communion. Offerings are placed in the collection plates at the front of the aisles, or congregants may choose one of our online giving options. You can give online here. Online giving can be set up either as a one time gift or on an automatic recurring basis. Our guests should feel no obligation or expectation to contribute.
Where should I park when I visit Trinity?
On your first visit, there are special “First Time Visitor” spaces available right next to the building.
What are your COVID-19 policies?
Masks are optional in worship according to your comfort level. If you would like greater distance between your party and other worshippers, we suggest sitting in our balcony area.