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Due to the snow, the Food Closet will be closed today, January 11. We will reopen at our normal time Tuesday, January 14.

The Trinity Food Ministry provides free supplemental groceries for those in need. The food is collected by the congregation and distributed by volunteers at the church's Food Pantry Building year round.  We also participate in some government sponsored food programs. Our Food Pantry is open three days each week: Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. In order to receive some government food, recipients may be required to show photo ID as well as meet other "need-based" criteria.  ​These are not required to receive church-donated food. The Food Pantry will be closed when the church is closed, such as when days of operation fall on National Holiday observation days.  Please check our calendar for all scheduled closings. For inclement weather, call  410-679-4000, x313.


For additional information on the Trinity Food Ministry, please contact us. 

How Can I Help?

We are always looking for donations, particularly in one of the following forms:

  • FOOD

    • Non-expired canned or packaged food may be dropped off at the church lobby any time during church operating hours.  The lobby is located at the entrance under the green awning next to the sanctuary entrance.

    • Our food pantry distributes food to approximately 150 families a month which feeds about 450 people. While some food is provided by the federal and state governments, a significant amount is donated by church members and others.


    • ​All financial donations will be used to purchase food for distribution or needed equipment and supplies for the ministry. Please make checks payable to Trinity Lutheran Church with Food Pantry Ministry written on check memo.

  • TIME

    • ​We are always looking for volunteers to help at our Food Pantry.  If you are interested in volunteering, please contact us!

The Trinity Food Ministry was created in partnership  with the Maryland Food Bank, which provides the food we distribute to individuals and families in our community.


Hours of Operation

Tuesdays: 6:00-7:30

Thursdays: 3:30-5:00

Saturdays: 10:00-12:00

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